Thank you for joining G-Force!
Fresh Mocopan coffee always available or perhaps you prefer an ice coffee. Order in advance or simply visit our cafe if you feel like treating yourself.
Complimentary GYM
- Shoes must be off before stepping on the Mats
- Shoes must be on when stepping off the Mats
- No parents walking onto the Mats during classes
- No disrupting classes (talking during class or attending with crying child etc)
- No food or drinks allowed. (unless purchased from the G-Force café)
- No chewing gum allowed.
- No toys allowed.
- No pens/pencils or markers that will damage G-Force property.
Join our WhatsApp community and choose relevant groups
Booking Classes
Install the club app and update profile pictures so we know who’s attending classes.
DOWNLOAD: Apple | Android
All classes require registration in advance so instructors know which students will be attending.
View upcoming classes, their availability and secure your spot in real time.Scan QR on arrival using the app:
Belts are to be tied correctly before class (check YouTube on how to tie the belt)
No chewing gum or lollies allowed in the venue
Club uniforms are required in all classes.Uniform Shop GFORCE SHOP
Shoes Policy
Terms & Conditions
- GYM Master App must be used for all member admin
- Cash Memberships are discounted
- We are closed from December 20 to January 12
- We are closed on Public Holidays
- You can suspend membership once annually for upto 4 weeks, (4 weeks notice is required)
- You can cancel your membership any time, 1 months notice is required + any minimum terms you have agreed to
- Membership can not be suspended or cancelled between December 20 and January 12 (prices factor this in)
- Waiver